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Heather Reynolds,

Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Rapid Resolution
Therapy Specialist

Sessions available in person and via secure telehealth
Now offering NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback!

Rapid Resolution Therapy


If you are bothered by thoughts or feelings that you cannot get rid of, then Rapid Resolution Therapy is for you!

Traditional therapy works with the prefrontal cortex, the conscious part of your mind, to help you change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. If the conscious part of your mind were causing these problems, then that would be a great solution. But the part of your mind that is setting off your nervous system is the more primitive subconscious part.

- That's why your thoughts or feelings don't make sense. We make sense of things with the conscious part, that's not where the problematic thoughts and feelings come from.

- The primitive subconscious part is there to help you survive, keep you safe, and to make bad things stop happening. When you think of something bad that happened in the past, the primitive mind doesn't understand that what you are thinking about isn't actually happening, and sets your nervous system in motion to make it stop happening now.

Rapid Resolution Therapy updates the primitive part of the mind so that it stops trying to fix problems that aren't happening, leaving you feeling happier, calmer, and more in control of your self.

I can get your mind to...

  • Shake loose a traumatic image.
  • Delete the emotional charge to the memory or thought that's been bothering you.
  • Move forward in ways you didn't think possible.

Office Location:

Diamond Hill Office Complex

2480 W. 26th Ave, Ste 135-B

Denver, CO 80211

Call for appointment:

(303) 503-3543


© 2025 Heather Reynolds